“ It is, like Condé & Beveridge, frank, incisive, and more than a little funny.
… “Essential viewing for any Canadian art lover.” Murray Whyte, Toronto Star

Portrait of Resistance begins in the furor and confusion of the 2010 G20 protests
in Toronto, with Condé and Beveridge, both of whom are in their sixties, standing gamely
in the middle of the fray. It's an arresting overture” ....... .Adam Nayman, POV magazine

Portrait of Resistance …as good an introduction as could be imagined to the ideas, methods and work of this important artistic duo… It elegantly brings together a wealth of visual, biographical and historical material, as
well as critical commentary, with compelling wit and clarity.” .......Chris Gehman, FUSE magazine

download press kit > PDF ....................visit Portrait of Resistance on Facebook..


“ Another key element
in the success of the film
is the music
OUR Times

° Billy Bragg
° Afro Celt Sound System
° John Sheard
° CHeryl Okrant


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